BADV is a non-profit, tax exempt organization registered under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal revenue code, dedicated to keeping alive and promoting all aspects of Bengali culture as it has evolved through the works of out great poets, seers, and masters of all the arts.

We aim to do this while fostering goodwill and cooperation between ourselves and the community at large.

Since our culture is deeply rooted in our spirituality, we enthusiastically celebrate the major religious festivals.

BADV organizes cultural programs which strongly promote local talents, and also brings in renowned artists from India and abroad. We promote volunteer services as proposed by the Executive Committee (EC) elected by the general body.

BADV runs two Bangla schools for the purpose of instilling in the next generation precious knowledge of Bengali language and culture, ensuring that the Indian-American community will continue to be multi-lingual and also multi-cultural in the long run.

To encourage participation we will send out emails about our activities to all who request it regardless of their membership status.

Through it all we are focused on ensuring that there is joy, enlightenment, and fulfillment for everyone involved.